Take Our Free Mini Course And Get a Free Copy of “5 Steps to Navigate Food Labels”!

The key to healthy eating starts with shopping and stocking healthy food! Bring home only the foods that support you to live a long and healthy life.

Take our free mini-course to learn the tips that make your next grocery run a home run!

Taking the Stress out of Reading Nutrition Labels

Reading labels does not have to be tricky, but there are some common mistakes that people make when they turn over a package to read the label. The ability to make sense of food labels could be a life-changing skill.

By Signing up you will be able to download a Free Copy of “5 Steps to Navigate Food Labels”!

This guide is designed to decode the nutrition label in a way that will help you make informed decisions about the food you’re putting in your basket – and your body.

Be sure to find the printable “Sugar in Disguise”, “Ingredients not to bring home”, and “Reliable Labels” wallet cards in the eBook. Print out and keep them in your wallet for a quick reference the next time you go grocery shopping.

NutriTransform 5 steps to navigate food labels

    Xiaoyun Pan | Holistic Nutritionist | FDN-P, FNTP, CTNC, BCHN®

    Xiaoyun Pan is Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition, a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, and Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach. 

    Xiaoyun is committed to helping busy professionals who are struggling with declining health and feel lost in the jungle of nutrition information to cut through all the noise and hypes, discover their unique healing path, and pave the way to build solid nutritional foundations, so they can overcome health challenges, enhance performance, and stay on top of their game!”


    Take a comprehensive nutrition assessment and receive a health strategy session at no cost! 

    This assessment will give a snapshot of your health status and possible underlying imbalances. It is the most effective way to gain clarity about your body and health needs!