Hi, I'm Xiaoyun (Sh-ow-yoon)!
A Functional Holistic Nutritionist and Transformational Coach
I am a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, and Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach. I am a Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition BCHN®, and also a registered nutritionist with Amalgamated Registered Nutritionists Association (ARNA). As a functional holistic nutritionist and transformational coach, I help busy professionals who are struggling with declining health, feel lost and confused in the jungle of health information, and cut through the wellness cluster to build solid nutritional foundations.
Xiaoyun Pan
Holistic Nutritionist & Transformation Coach
After years of feeling frustrated & hopeless with her chronic conditions, I decided to grab life by the horns and take healing into her own hands. I took a functional holistic approach, looking at the body while investigating the underlying causes. As my body began to heal, she was able to regain the confidence and passion to help others.
Rather than addressing symptoms using band aid fix and recommending cookie-cutter diets, I follow a clear roadmap and implement a systematic approach to build solid nutritional foundations that support the body’s unique natural ability to heal and function at its potential. I am fully committed to educating and empowering busy professionals to reverse chronic conditions and regain their vitality so they can be unstoppable in their career growth!

My Story
I still remember the morning of that New Year’s Day years ago; I woke up with a horrible feeling of emptiness. It had finally set in that I left my job the just the day before. My life was fundamentally changed due to serious health decline over the last year. I went from being a busy, active, corporate professional to, an almost half-disabled, cancer survivor. I was still struggling with countless chronic symptoms. Because of the symptoms, I knew I had to make a huge decision, and that was to press the STOP button on my career.
What I learned during that time was that every cloud has a silver lining. The health challenges and self-healing journey over the years have given me a new meaning to my life. Since then, I have felt called to educate and empower others to take control of their health, so they don’t have to go through the same pain I went through.
My Credentials
- Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner
- Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner
- Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach.
- Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition (BCHN® candidate).
- Professional member of Nutritional Therapy Association (NTA), Association of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Professionals (AFDNP), and National Association of Nutritional Professionals (NANP).
- Registered nutritionist with Amalgamated Registered Nutritionists Association (ARNA).

Xiaoyun Pan | Holistic Nutritionist | FDN-P, FNTP, CTNC, BCHN®
Xiaoyun Pan is Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition, a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, and Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach.
Xiaoyun is committed to helping busy professionals who are struggling with declining health and feel lost in the jungle of nutrition information to cut through all the noise and hypes, discover their unique healing path, and pave the way to build solid nutritional foundations, so they can overcome health challenges, enhance performance, and stay on top of their game!”

Take a comprehensive nutrition assessment and receive a health strategy session at no cost!
This assessment will give a snapshot of your health status and possible underlying imbalances. It is the most effective way to gain clarity about your body and health needs!